Authors: Khizar Hayat, Umar Farooq, Afshan Shafi

Food fortification, Food carrier, Nutritional balance, Label.




To evaluate the population productivity and quality, the nutritional position of population is a best factor, which disturb the national productivity. The good status of nutritional quality of the population gives health for long term. In developing countries like Pakistan, the nutritional status of the peoples may improve by conducting the awareness programs. Food fortification, i.e., the nutrients addition in desired food items, based on health and status of nutrition of the targeted peoples for improving the health and nutritional status of the targeted peoples. The technical aspects of fortification of food is needed to assess by carefully. These contain the acceptability of consumer (taste and price) for fortified foods, explanation of nutrition of the fortified food items and limits of technical aspects to overcome the labeling and food rules and regulation requirements. The most important features for starting the food fortification programs are; food carrier choice, nutrients availability, safety and stability of nutrients under different storage condition. The addition of nutrients in fortification should not affect the human health and nutritional balance. The overage concept should be started for consumer information. Overage is a use of kinetic data on nutrients stability to calculate the nutrients which is added, so that at the end of shelf life of the product the expected level of nutrients should be according to the level that mentioned on the product label.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2019-07-15
Accepted: 2019-07-19
First Published:12/3/2024 5:07:21 AM
First Page & Last Page: 143 - 144
Collection Year:2019