Harmonization, Standards, Process, Health.
There is a quick globalization in development of technologies and medicinal products that are manufactured and used for health purpose. A major difference in quality standards that is used internationally and food safety issues badly effect the public health. It studied that the cumulative requirement for globally harmonized and Science based standards should be used to enhance the quality, proficiency and development process of products. According to Peter Honig, in pharmaceutical industry there is maximization in inadequate resources, decreased expensive reduplication of exertions, clinical trials are lower in amount and need to have much knowledge among regulators, these all included in harmonized standards. There are major barriers for moving of enterprise harmonization a large gap between developed and incipient countries in regulatory capability and less development of various program like WHO (World Health Organization). It also observed that the practice of unproductive technologies in disseminates of required sectors like rice etc. affect the quality standards. Another factor that is required for producing product at industrial scale is skilled, well trained and manpower workers that plays major role in keeping the quality standards best.