The Effect of Honey Intake on Cardio-Metabolic Risk Factors: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Trials
Authors: Shamaila Bajwa

Effect,Honey , Intake, Cardio-Metabolic, Risk, Factors,
Systematic,Review,Controlled, Trials.


Honey is referred as “the cure for mankind” in the Holy Qur’an and is a natural sweetener
with a lower sugar content that elicits a reduced glycemic response due to its many bioactive
compounds that can affect sugar metabolism. Excessive fructose intake has an adverse
effect on established cardio-metabolic risk factors when consumed in excess. It is not known
if replacing refined sugar with honey, a naturally occurring fructose-containing sugar, would
result in a reduction in cardio-metabolic risk factors. We undertook a systematic review and
meta-analysis of controlled trials to assess the effect of honey intake on cardio-metabolic risk factors risk factors such as lipids, glycemic control factors, weight, blood pressure and
inflammatory markers.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2018-11-02
Accepted: 2018-11-15
First Published:12/11/2024 3:49:13 PM
First Page & Last Page: 41 - 42
Collection Year:2018